
Case of Pityriasis versicolor successfully treated with An Ayurvedic medicine

History:- 26/M visited our clinic with complain of Whitish discolouration of skin in circular pattern on chest and back side since 2 years.He had tried many medicine but didn't find positive results for the same and than approached for an Ayurvedic Treatment for it. Patient is not a Known case of DM and HTN Agni-Normal Mala pravruti-Normal Mootra-Normal Nidra-Normal Tounge-Coated Nidana:- Consumption of Plain Curd daily in Morning, Consumption of Raw onion in dinner daily Weekly 3-4 times outside food made of Maida flour. Ayurvedic Dignosis:- Dadru kustha Modern Dignosis:- Pityriasis Versicolor Chikitsa:- Nidana Parivarjna Pathya-apthya Kusthhara chikitsa Krimihara chikitsa Details of Given Treatment :-* First 5 days-Tab.Chitrakadi Vati 2 tab tid×5 days with lukewarm water Diet :- Mugdha yusha (Green gram soup) with Rakta shali(Brown rice) and lukewarm water for drinking purpose for 5 days From 6th day- 1)Tab.Krimikuthar rasa 1 BD 2)Tab.Panchti...


Successfully treated case of Vitiligo with Ayurvedic Medicine By Dr.Rajnikant Patel Present  History::- 40 year female patient came to clinic with history of whitish discolouration of skin on anterior Forearm and posterior forearm since 7-8 years. Patient was not having anyother symptoms like Burning,Itching or Pain. Family History:- None of her family members having the same condition Past History:-NAS Medical History:- She tooks many medicine for the same disease but didn't got desired results. Ayurveda Dignosis:-SWITRA Allopathic Dignosis:- VITILIGO(LEUKODERMA) TREATMENT:- 1) Tab.Swayambhuv guggulu 1 tab. BD with Khadira aristha after food. 2)Tab.Panchtikta guggulu ghrita 1 tab. TID with warm water after food. 3)Tab.Arogyavarshini vati 1 tab. BD with warm water after food. 3)Khadiraristha 3Tsp TID with warm water after food. 4)Switrahara Choorna 1 tsp BD with warm water after food. 5)Switrahara Lepa for external application with fresh Butter milk in morni...

Benefits of Oiling hair daily according to Ayurveda

The person who do oiling to hair daily gets the following benefits:- He never gets any type of Headache. He never gets Baldness. He never develop premature grey hair. He never gets hair fall. He gets strong hair root and lengthy hair. He gets sound sleep. (Reference:- Charaka Samhita,Su.5:81-83)

Ayurveda and Physical exercise(Vyayama)

Definition of Physical Exercise(Vyayama in Ayurveda) The kind of Physical activity which produces firmness and strength is known as physical exercise or Vyayama.(Charaka samhita,Sutra,7:31) According to WHO(World health organisation),    Physical activity or Exercise is defined as any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that requires energy expenditure. Physical exercise produce following effects in body (Charaka samhita,Sutra,7:32) Felling of lightness Capacity to work Firmness  Tolerance of difficulties Diminution of impurity  Increase the Agni (A force behind Digestion and metabolism) According to Sushruta,Vyayama(Physical exercise)is the best thing which cure obesity and it helps in achieving best healthy status of individuals and a person will have good muscular strength.He also says that those who perform regular Vyayama(Physical exercise)will not attain old age.  There is a simile given By Acharya Sushruta that,...

Rasayana(Rejuvenation)in Ayurveda with modern reference

Introduction :- Most of the diseases in present era are caused by mainly oxidative stress which results from an Imbalance between formation and neutralization of FREE RADICALS.FREE RADICALS is produced in the body as a byproduct of normal metabolism,as a result of exposure to harmful radiation,and various types of pollutants released by air pollution,Water pollution,etc. As FREE RADICALS are highly reactive,they can cause severe damage to cellular component and are implicated in variety of disease. FREE RADICALS are normaly neutrilized by efficient systems in body which includes Antioxidants enzymes and nutrients derived antioxidant small molecules(Vitamin C,Vitamin E,etc). To be healthy there should be delicate balance between FREE RADICALS and antioxidants. Click here for home remedies of indigestion In some pathological conditions like Diabetes mellitus and other ill conditions,Oxidative stress cause the level of antioxidants to fall below normal.Antioxidants suppl...

What to eat and what to avoid in Irritable bowel syndrome(IBS)

Irritable bowel syndrome(IBS) is functional Gastrointestinal(GI) disorders characterized by abdominal pain and altered bowel habits in the absence of a specific and unique organic  pathology. Main Signs & Symptoms of IBS:- Altered bowel habits  Abdominal pain Abdominal bloating or distension  In Ayurveda irritable bowel syndrome(IBS) is Described as GRAHANI ROGA. For every diesease,ayurveda described  wholesome and unwholesome diets to be followed(Pathya-Apthya). Click on the below link to watch video on what to eat and what to avoid in Irritable bowel syndrome(IBS) or GRAHANI ROGA Please subscribe our youtube channel and this blog for more information on Ayurvedic management of irritable bowel syndrome and other disease.

Chakramarda (Cassia tora): A wonder herb for skin diesease

Introduction:- In recent times the various types of skin Diseases have gained more importance and attention by both the Medical science and general public.The prevalence of skin Diseases in india is 10 to 12%  of total population with Psoriasis and Eczema being major contributors to this.Due to Global warming, high level of pollution,UV light,Unhealthy diet,the skin disease are increasing day by day. Click here to know home remidies for heartburn from ayurveda  Chakramarda:- Botanical Name : Cassia tora Family Name      : Caesalpiniaceae Names in other languages:- Sanskrit: Dadrughna,Mardakara,    Hindi    : Chakvad,Parvad English : Ringworm plant, coffee cassia  Bengali : Chakunde Marathi: Nakla Gujarati: Kuvadiyo Tamil    : Tagari Telugu  : Tangarise Arab      : Ain-es-suratin Persian : Sang saboyah Tibetian: Lug mig Cassia tora is well known herb distributed...