Case of Pityriasis versicolor successfully treated with An Ayurvedic medicine

History:- 26/M visited our clinic with complain of Whitish discolouration of skin in circular pattern on chest and back side since 2 years.He had tried many medicine but didn't find positive results for the same and than approached for an Ayurvedic Treatment for it.

Patient is not a Known case of DM and HTN

Mala pravruti-Normal

Consumption of Plain Curd daily in Morning,
Consumption of Raw onion in dinner daily
Weekly 3-4 times outside food made of Maida flour.

Ayurvedic Dignosis:- Dadru kustha
Modern Dignosis:- Pityriasis Versicolor

Nidana Parivarjna
Kusthhara chikitsa
Krimihara chikitsa

Details of Given Treatment :-*

First 5 days-Tab.Chitrakadi Vati 2 tab tid×5 days with lukewarm water
Diet :- Mugdha yusha (Green gram soup) with Rakta shali(Brown rice) and lukewarm water for drinking purpose for 5 days

From 6th day-
1)Tab.Krimikuthar rasa 1 BD
2)Tab.Panchtikta guggulu ghrita 1 Tid
3)Mahatiktaka Kashaya +Maha manjistjadi kashaya 15ml BD with 50 ml lukewarm water
4)Tab.Gandhaka rasayana 1 BD
5)Cutis Ointment for external application HS
6)Aragwadha(Cassia fistula)Phala majja Phanta HS
7)Guggulu Tiktaka Madhusnuhi Rasayana 1 Tsp in afternoon

This was continued for 30 days and patients got very remarkable results and all the patches was completely disappeared and patient is still under treatment.

*Note- This given treatment is strictly meant for this particular patient,Before taking Ayurvedic Treatment kindly Consult Qualified Ayurvedic physician

For more information write us to
Dr.Rajnikant Patel
+91 8095068938


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